In the world of Travian very difficult to survive alone and soonly you must find an alliance for himself or make own one.
Make it very seriously and responsibly.
If you desided to join to an alliance.
If you desided to join to an alliance not hurry.The alliance is a command of players which helps each other in game Make analises af alliances around of you and choose better for himself. You would need to choose an alliance which solved problems but not make new of them for you.
For analises you need ask on a few question and to see answer results:
1) What is rating at an alliance?
2) Make the analysis of statistics of an alliance
3) Watch some time to alliance and define how many in it active players and how many inactive
4) Attantionaly read the profile of alliance
5) Look opinions at the general forum of game about this alliance
6) Ask personal opinion of ordinary players of an alliance about inside relationship of alliance.
Whether when you will answer these questions you will see general situation as a whole and solve this alliance approaches you or not.
you have decided to create own alliance.
If you have decided to create an alliance get be ready to difficulties and diferent tests. To be the leader of an alliance very dificult mission. Because you awake should solve not only your personal problems but also problems practically all members of an alliance.
Here the important advices for the future leaders of an alliances which have been tested in practice of game:
1. Distribute powers and duties on an alliance between other players (delegation of duties).
All people can be mistaken and get tired One person cannot effectively operate the big group of people without help. It is better to break all alliance into some groups and to appoint in each group of the commander. Every commander must be responcible and manage by own group. So delagete the duties in alliance and you will have more time for principal things.
2. Take the information about mambers of alliance
You should know with whom are the partners in your alliance. What the skill and expirience and skills they have? Better make a special questionnaire for new mabers of alliance. Ask in questionnaire all question which will usefull for alliance like expirience, style of game, skills, contacts and etc. You can make own questionnaire or copy it in other aliance.
3. Remember about spies.
Remember that not all players join to your alliance with good intentions. Some of them can be spies from other alliances. To reveal such spy very difficultly and it can bring a lot of problem to an alliance
4. Build own alliance in one sector and territory
Remember, that for effective protection all members of an alliance should be is situated more close to each other in radius of 40-50 squars. It will allow you to be good protected and help effectively to each other.
5. Create few combative groups in alliance.
Create few combative groups in alliance. The group should contain in the structure 10-12 players It is optimal quantity of person for good management of group by one commander.For every combative group define the metas, plans and terms of realization of tasks.
6. Order to all mambers to appoint the assistants for itself from other mambers of alliance
Order to all mambers to appoint the assistants for itself from other mambers of alliance.
It very important thing. You must be sure that can recieve same help from other mambers of alliance in any time even some mambers are off-line.
7. Train own alliance mambers.
When you awake to create an alliance you will have not only only skilled players. So prepear to learn some players how to save resources from rides or, how correctly to do attacks, how correctly to be protected. You should train own fighters and make academy structure.You must have a lot patience and knowledge. You also can recommendated for beginners our site where they can find answers on many questions in game.
8. Create academy for updating an alliance by new members.
The academy is other alliance which is created at later stage of game and serves for buffer zone between the basic alliance and new players. Usually there accept players who recently have begun game and any more do not correspond to requirements of the basic alliance (for example on the population and armies) Those who has proved to be well in academy translate in the main alliance. Academy charge to create usually to one of players of the basic alliance. The given strategy will allow you to eliminate undesirable candidates the basic alliance and will allow to choose only the best for the basic structure.
9. Provide communication between members of an alliance.
For the best coordination you must have a good communication. It is provided by creation of a forum inside of an alliance and the chat. There you can share the problems, plans, ideas and easier to chat about everything. Such dialogue pulls together and does game of more command. You can create a chat in a network or in other similar network.
10. Put before members of an alliance specific tasks and plans.
To the majority to members of an alliance usually laziness to think. They play simply build something, then it to become boringly and they do not find to themselves a place and start to bring decomposition in all mambers of alliance. Therefore such people need a command management and plans. So every week (or 3 days) put it a specific target with the certain terms of execution. For example: « To finish a level of the population in village up to 250 in this week »
Give tasks and orders with exact date of performance.It gives good discipline and the responsibility for mambers of an alliance.
11. Remember about power of propaganda.
Always share successes and a victory over the command. Show on a forum broad gullies with the successful victories lead by military actions in general by any information which can lift moral spirit of a command.
12. Support in an alliance spirit of competition and enthusiasm.
Support in an alliance spirit of competition and enthusiasm. It is reached by carrying out of a various sort of competitions inside of an alliance. For example competition on « Who will best rider a week in alliance » Necessarily most create prize-winning fund and note awards of those who has borrowed 1,2 and 3 places in the form of resources. It supports a constant agiotage inside of an alliance among players and forces them to play more productively.
13. Create the own spy group.
During game you not only should catch enemy spies but also introduce them. For this purpose very artful and checked up players who can easily take root into an enemy alliance are necessary and deliver from it the necessary information. You will be necessary for chapter of an alliance to generate the secret-service network. About presence of this network do not devote rank-and-file members of an alliance. About presence of spies should know very narrow and checked up circle of people. Help the spies as resources and information from own side.
14. Write the charter or the code of laws of an alliance.
The majority of quarrels in an alliance occurs because of receivership proceeding. Someone has grasped 15 or 9 which other mamber of an alliance has hammered, someone has grasped an another's oasis. And then many conflicts which leads to quarrels, to suspicions, insults begin.
The charter or the code of laws solves all these questions or the majority of them. You can take for a basis the charter of other alliance and process it under the needs.
The charter tie to read through everyone and that everyone has given the written approval, that it agree with norms of the charter.
15. Reasonably pursue a policy and diplomacy of an alliance.
Reasonably pursue a policy and diplomacy of an alliance. It is not necessary to hurry up to conclude the unions with other alliances, especially those which stand nothing. It is the most reasonable to conclude NAPs rather than the union which can have in the future rendering assistance to that alliance which you and especially help do not want. Or such union can involve you undesirable war because of an allied alliance. Therefore the NAP is much better – you do not promise anything exept not attack each other.