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Economy is an axis of war. It was the law in Roman Empire which many centuries had not equal on military power, to economy and political influence. The economy of Travian has the same function is an axis of war. You always will need many resources in game and their quantity will be depends on your economy.

Let's consider more in detail how to be under construction economy in game and on what it is necessary to pay steadfast attention at its development.

Travian has 5 sources of increase in the incomes (except gold):

1. Cropland and production buildings on extraction of resources

2. Trade.

3. Rides

4. Oases

5. Increase in productivity.

6.Rendering of services in game.

1) Cropland and mines on extraction of resources.

It is the most important and basic source of your incomes especially in the beginning of game. It is very important to raise a level of grain fields and mines for resourses and to do it correctly.

The optimum order of construction for grain fields and mines such:

- Cropland (they always should be on 1 (better 2) level above all other resource mines)

- Clay pit

- Woodcutter

- Iron mine

Such algorithm has already shown the efficiency in practice and allows to build all quickly and effectively without any disbalance in economic.

The basic mistake of many happens that they at first build up only woodcutter or only iron mines, etc. It at once causes shortage and shortage of any resource.You need to build step by step smoothly gradually and in regular intervals lifting all buildings on one level of each resource.

Unique exception are croplands.Crop is a unique resource which all time decreases.

Croplands are a basis of Travian economy fnd their construction is the main task in the game.

Especially in the beginning of game grain can be changed favourably in the market in the ratio 1 to 2.

2) Trade.

Trade the most ancient business in the world. In Travian it as is actual, as well as in a real life. Good trade will provide your village with high level of resources. That trade gave you good profit first of all raise a level of your market. The market of 10 level can gives the serious day time profit and allowing to develop more rapadly.

How is better to trade?

a) Before begining of trade make analyse of the market.

Look that sell and that buy more.

Usually in the beginning of game sell a lot of iron and buy a lot of crop.

In the middle of game already sell a lot of crop and buy more than other resources.

Therefore in section «Offered to me» the most expencive resources and section «Wanted

from me» the cheapest.

This information will help you to establish correctly the price for your resourses and to make the correct analysis of a situation in the market. After this you very easy define a price for selling.

b) Define what resources at you much and what are not present in a warehouse

c) Depending on a situation in the market put the price 1 to 2 or 1 to 1,5.At the price of 1 to 1,5 resources usually are on sale quite quickly and without problems. To sell 1 to 2 it will need very long time.Sell at the price of 1 to 2 resource if you see that in the market this resource uses very much a great demand.

3) Rides

Rides can give good profit and about their organization is in more details written in section «The organization of rides and attacks ».

However you should remember, that efficiency of attacks strongly decreases in due course and the profit on them is reduced.

The reasons of reduction of profit on attacks:

- A lot of gamers begin is well protected by grannies or defencive units

- Many villages leave from a server becouse of a lot gamers exit the game.

4) Oases

Oases perhaps one of the most effective economic resources

in Travian. Because capture of one oasis can increase production one or two resources from 25 % up to 50 % depending on type of an oasis.It costs that conquer oasis and increase production in your villige

How to conquer an oasis described in section about a choice of the hero.

5) Increase in productivity.

In game there is a number of buildings which increase the general development of cropland and production buildings on extraction of resources. The majority of them is accessible after you will construct a cropland or mine of 10 levels. However one building which increases the general development since 5 levels of croplands is accessible to croplands is a Grain Mill.

By means of this building you can development of the fields since 5 % and finish to 25 %. The building has only 5 levels and each level add 5 % from the general development of crop by all fields.

For example in general your croplands have production of 200 crop per hour. You build a mill and development to become 210 crop per hour. it is increased by 5 %. If it will be a mill 5 levels that development will make already 250 crop per hour

To build a Crain Mill is better when you already product a lot of grain

After 10 levels of all resource buildings to you will be accessible next buildings which are increacing production

- Bakery

- Brickyard

- Sawmill

- Iron Foundry

All these buildings increase the general development beginning from 5 % and lead up up to 25% Therefore their construction rather important for economy as a whole. It is especially favourable to increase 1 building due to which development of all croplands and production buildings increases. So the given kind of constructions consider in own plans on development of village.

6) Offer of services in game.

It perhaps the newest and perspective direction in game in reception of resources. For example you can offer services on transfer of resources into other village or to be the mercenary and to break enemies of the customer for its resources. Here all depends on your imagination and fantasy

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