Village protection.
On start of game very much great value skill to protect the resources and army from attacks of more aggressive gamers. Especially deserved bad glory teutons which the rides devastate all to district and do not give rest to neighbours constant visits and take off resources.
That effectively to be protected – it is necessary to understand why the player attacks you and in what its motives.The most widespread motive it to steal your resources. So let's study therefore to keep first of all them from rides.
Rides are a basis of economy of the attacking player, therefore if its units come back with empty hands home is is painfully reflected in its economy and it has wasted time on the purpose which has not brought the income.
Let's consider now each kind of basic protection separately.
1) Cranny's protection
But do not take a great interest in them strongly – the crannies borrows in city a platform under construction and in the future you can not have enough place under building of the necessary buildings.
To build additional crannies it is possible only if you have one cranny of 10 level. After you have constructed one cranny 10 level can build up them further. Better at once simultaneously after that to start up construction of 2-3 crannies of 1 level because each of them protects 100 units of a resource, and a cranny 2 level only 130 at almost identical price. Then gradually serially to raise them.
So, if you have 4 crannies of 10 level you can easy to save 4000 resources from rides (from attacks of teutons less) which the opponent cannot take away.
And making ride the aggressor receives result from attack 0 0 0 0 or take a minimum of resources. You can see that such result from rides simply will stop attacks because to ride you became unprofitable and enemies only will lost own time.
At gauls the crannies has the greater size than at other tribes.
2) The walls.
3) Residence/Palace.
Residence or Palace too essentially adds percent of protection of your troops in the villige and considerably strengthens your deffencive force. You must know that you are raising a level of a Residence – you are raising of protection of your villige.
Parameters of protection you can look and calculate by improved battle simulator here.
4) The troops protection.
The troops is good protection to your villige but not in the beginning of game. Because protection by an army needs a lot quantity of units (100-200 units).
On start of game you cannot make such quantity of units and consequently this protection is applied when the village has good development and extracts many resources. And if you will see attack in the beginning of game do not try to stop this attack by your units. Simply evade from attack Send units to other village or send the friend in a reinforcement for the period of attack.
It is necessary for you to keep the units and to increase their quantity step by step.
The best protection on start of game is a granny.
5) Protection by means of the market and the merchant.
The market, especially above 5 level, is also rather inexpensive and effective way of protection of your resources, especially when for example at you 4000 each resources in a warehouse, and the crannies are blocking only 3000.
You have 2 variants:
Variant 1
If you have friends or you in an alliance simply send with the merchant superfluous resources for the period of attack to the friend or a member of an alliance which then will return them after it.
Variant 2
If you do not have friend in game simply change quickly any resources what can at any rate. Change even are not necessary to you. The main thing that attacker was received with result from attack 0 0 0 0.
Ramember all attacks of enemies must was received with result from attack 0 0 0 0!!!!
Only this results stop attacks in future. Any negotiations and requests to stop attacks usually have not any results.
6) Protection by development.
Again the same situation – you have seen that there is an attack on your village. But merchants all in ways and warehouses burst with resourses.What to do in this situation?
The main thing to not panic!!!
Order the most expencive construction which is in villige and lower lavel of to a minimum all resources in warehouse.
And then when before attack there will be 5 minutes order in a barracks the greatest possible quantity of units.
And the most important - do not forget to look and whether is exposed position in the market. Because position in the market are not protected from attacks.
Remember the opponent should receive again result 0 0 0 0
7) Protection of armies "Nomad"
The lowest protection of armies from all tribes have teutons. They are very vulnerable for attack of the opponents. But also to lose units especially in the beginning of game it is silly for any tribe.
So when you leave game send your armies in attack on «dead villige» that they come back at that time when you will be in game.
For example you will not be in game 8 hours. Search a «dead village» for settlement at 4 hours from you and send there attack of all your troops. Your troops will come back when you would be in game againe.
Remember constant movemant of troops reduce probability to catch you and to destroy your army completely.
8) Protection of resources the «Merchant + farm»
It is very interesting strategy. It is ideal when you have a diferent resourses but have merchants a little. In this case you must have a some troops.
All strategy is easy. When you see attack you must send resourses by merchants to «dead village».
After that send your troops for ride this «dead village» (where merchants have sent resources)
It will help you to keep resources and to go through attack.
But ramember that about size of warehouses of «dead village». Your merchant must sent only correct quantity of resourses.
9) Trapper's protection.
You can clear your traps of victims of unsuccessful attack by negotiations.
For example suggest attacking to release its units for a floor of the price. Thus you earn resources and clear traps and put new. The trap already 5 levels in the beginning can stop enough greater group of opponet's units
Remember that if attacking has even one soldier more than quantity of your traps its attack will be successful. So order more traps.
10) Protection against catapults attacks.
The main protection defending at an attack of catapults is to destroy waves with catapults. If there will be no catapults and enemy will be not destroy any building in your village.
From practice in game at an attack catapults come some waves of attack for damaging as a lot of constructions in village. One wave can destroy one building at all.
Usually in a standard situation in attack of first wave come a big group from attacking units that kill all troops in villige.
You must to pass attacking group and to put protection at attack of catapults. Ideal attacks does not exist and you must use mistakes of the opponent and protect your villige
After attack of bif group come waves with catapults with small armies are usual. You must kill this waves by your protection troops and troops of your allience.
Your action during catapult attack:
-define from what village there is an attack.
-define its speed of group, catapults move slowly and it strongly is evident.
-time of yours reinforcements or reinforcements of an alliance (it should come directly before attack of catapults)
- Count how many waves of attack to you goes.
- Synchronize time with all participants of an alliance.
After attacks you need a financial help of friends on your alliance that will be necessary to you to build up anew the destroyed constructions in case of destruction of buildings.
Priority of constructions such (edvice from experience of players):
1. The Main Building
2. A Wall
3. Rally Point (allows to see attacks)
4. The Market (allows to see deliveries)
5. Granary (on it can strike in a combination with impact on several croplands)
However this kind of protection will not save from professional attacker. He can for example there are 4 waves of catapults and a command of attacking units second by second and at once some waves. To put protection in intervals of attack in this case it is impossible.
It is unique that will rescue you in this case is only protective constructions and a plenty of protective units.
In another way protection against catapults their destruction by anticipatory impact. Therefore if you have received the serious prevention or threat to be destroyed by catapults it is better strike preventive blow and destroy enemy catapults even before any attacks.
The given kinds of protection it only bases of strategy of game which allow to understand main principles of protection and will help you to avoid the basic dangers of game. Though during game there can be a weight of new nuances and appear new unexpected strategy. Can when that and you share original tactics or strategy which has brought to you success and enter the name in history of Travian